21 Day Detox Challenge
What Is Detoxification?
Why Detoxification?
21-day Detox Challenge
The 21-day Detox Challenge isn’t just a cleanse diet. It’s a structured program that brings healthy lifestyle habits into focus.
It’s designed to purify, nourish, and help patients maintain a healthy body weight. It’s also easy to follow by eating whole foods, exercising, drinking nutritious shakes, and taking supplements made with whole food and other ingredients.
The menu includes a varied abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11. The supplements support the body’s ability to remove naturally occurring toxins. This promotes a state that allows for toxin release.*
Do You Need A Detox?
Take this short toxicity quiz to find out if you need a detox
Frequently Asked Questions
Will The Detox Program help me loose weight?
By following the 21 Day Detox Program, you will be working toward sustained, long-term weight management. The ideal weight-management system is not a quick fix – it’s a long-term commitment. You will need to make lifestyle changes that will continue long after the purification process has been completed.
How do I stick to the program when eating away from home?
Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
- Plan your strategy before you leave home.
- When choosing a restaurant, select one that serves foods on the recommended list. This will curb temptation.
- When traveling, bring along a cooler packed with water bottles, fresh fruit, and sliced raw vegetables.
- When attending a social gathering, bring a dish to pass that fits your stage of the program, like a fruit/veggie tray or chicken kabobs.
- For added convenience, SP Complete and Whey Pro Complete are available in single-serving packets.
Why can't I substitute different vegetables than what are outlined?
These vegetables were selected for their high nutritive value and their capacity to support detoxification.
What can I do if I am tired or lack energy while on the program?
You may be fatigued because your body may require a higher amount of protein during purification and post-purification. Ask your health care professional about adding Whey Pro Complete to your program.
What can I do for temporary constipation?
Remember to drink plenty of water, at least 64 ounces per day. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits with high fiber content. Eating one beet daily encourages regular bowel movements.
Why is there Lactose in SP Complete?
Whey is a protein source found in SP Complete, and lactose is a nutrient found in the whey. There is approximately ½ gram of lactose per shake. Try SP Complete Dairy Free if lactose is a concern.
Is the Detox Challenge vegetarian?
It is vegetarian (lacto-ovo) but not vegan.
What if I am allergic to certain foods on the list?
If you suspect you are having a reaction to a specific food, refrain from eating it, and consult your health care professional about how to incorporate alternative food sources.
What if there are continued health issues?
You and your health care professional should work together during post-purification. Your health care professional may recommend supplements that are specific to your health concern.